USM - United State Of Mind

United State Of Mind
(Manhaton Records)
By Decibel Report


The laid-back rhythms on this chilled-out album, originally recorded in 2018, hit a mellow space between woozy lovers rock and slow-burning blues. This unique blend of distinguished players, from different musical genres, enriches the cool vibes effect on this record of note as their storied reputations crisscrosses each other on these nine tasty tracks.

Relaxing into this recording, the titular track finds blues guitar maestro Trower's vintage bluesy guitar contrasting nicely with reggae balladeer Priest's cool vocal style. Are We just People keeps the trancey vibes moving along nicely as soulful blues is underpinned by bottomless bass all embroidered by sultry orchestral strings. Moving the pace up a slight notch, On Fire Like Zsa Zsa sizzles and glows like the St. Tropez sun during the height of the season.

As a demonstration of quality control, there's a serene ebb and flow to the sequencing of the songs emphasised by the balladic nature of Walking Wounded, Sunrise Revolution, and Bring It All Back To You. This slow-paced mix of bluesy balladry richly reveals the sound sense and seasoned musical qualities of this distinctive threesome who never overplay their parts.

The easy-going soul-train feel on Hands To The Sky - with strings jostling with echoing guitar tones, Priest's languid delivery, and Livingstone Brown's deep bass groove - is as uptempo as this well-judged album gets. Whereas, final track Where Our Love Came From fades out this excellent release with its tonic tendrils of sedated joy.

With the emphasis clearly on space and groove, created by the succinct individual musical prowess on display, USM drip feeds the senses with its soothing, grooved-up sounds that hit the sweet spot all the way through.

All that is needed to round off this warm-sounding waxing are some hazy sun, a sandy beach, the sea lapping in the near distance, and an intoxicating cocktail or three to complete the overall inviting ambience.


Decibel Report