Robert Jurjendal - Water Finds A Way

Robert Jurjendal
Water Finds A Way
By Decibel Report - Feb 26, 2021

Atmospheric tendrils of spectral guitar float above lush electronics on the opening track Trust; which is exactly what Estonian guitar effects maestro Jurjendal requests, and pays back in spades, on this fourth album release of alluring explorations into his otherworldly nuanced range of electric guitar dynamics.

This mostly late-night mood levelling vibes to bliss out to recording is complemented by soothing, ghostly vocals on Morning Land's off the scale harmonic range. Interlocking fractal loops and modal patterns rise into the sonic stratosphere like glowing Chinese lanterns as the tonal ride on Grey And Blue elides into Hikers. From his custom-built electric guitar, containing a sustainer pick up, there's a friendly eeriness that has a familiar yet slightly off-kilter collection of sounds that pleasantly disturbs and rewards the ears, in the right way, found further in evidence on For The Bees.

The Lake Freezes and Air remind of some of Anthony Phillips more atmospheric recordings as carefully crafted sounds paint mental pictures as proposed by the song titles. Elements of Philip Glass' approach also occasionally emerge in these mellifluous and minimalist structured arrangements.  Throughout, judiciously picked notes repeatedly skim from the speakers as though sent from a luminous distance as they ricochet off to another sonic dimension. It's this seemingly incorporeal effect that Jurjendal masters that will impress and seduce any receptive listener into suspending their daily cares and woes and go with the slow flow of this transportive music.

Transcendent, thought-provoking textures of guileful guitar led musical movements that exist outside of conventional norms, as this album does, are a rarified experience to cherish.



Decibel Report