Dan Reed Network reschedule their UK tour to Aug/Sept 2022

Dan Reed Network have rescheduled their February 2022 UK co-headline UK tour with Reckless Love and special guest Collateral to August and September 2022. Tickets for all shows remain valid. Tickets are available from www.gigantic.com/reckless-love-dan-reed-network-tickets and www.danreed-network.crom/tour.

“The ongoing instability caused by the pandemic has made it impossible for Dan Reed Network and Reckless Love to travel to the UK and throughout Europe,” says Dan.

Dan adds, “This decision has not been made lightly. We were determined to give these shows as much of a chance of happening as possible, however it is now clear that the world is not yet in a secure enough position for us to be confident about traversing countries with shows unaffected by Covid. There is the added caveat that when we return to play our first shows in what now will be well over two years, we want to do this in true DRN fashion and that means freely interacting with those who want to come and hang out with the band post shows. Our live performances are fuelled by our interactions with you all, before, during and after our shows!”

The band’s new album Let’s Hear It For The King, originally slated for March 4th release, has been moved to the new release date of Friday, June 17th. Pre-order the album from https://danreednetwork.tmstor.es/

To coincide with the new album release date the band are pleased to announce that they will be performing at the HRH AOR Festival in Manchester in June as well as hosting an album launch party in Hamburg in conjunction with their record label Drakkar Entertainment. There will be further announcements soon for the June release so please watch this space!

Finally, the shows planned for Norway & Belgium have been unable to be rescheduled to coincide with these new tour dates and as a result all tickets previously purchased will be eligible for a refund.

Dan Reed Network are delighted to present the new lyric video for Pretty Karma – the second single from the upcoming new album Let’s Hear It For The King. The single is out now and is available to stream at https://bfan.link/pretty-karma-1

Watch the Pretty Karma lyric video via www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtLuIeal7SU

“The reception to the first single “Starlight” was truly incredible,” says Dan Reed. “We’re determined to keep our foot to the floor. “Pretty Karma” is the perfect track for that, and we hope this track keeps the anticipation levels for ‘Let’s Hear It For the King’ simmering on high!
Finally, for those of you who are part of the ‘Networkers’ Facebook group or a supporter of the band’s Patreon page, Dan will now be performing both solo and bringing down his bassist Bengan Jonasson and drummer Robert Ikiz from Sweden and it going to rock it up big time at The ‘Networkers’ show in Newcastle on Feb 27th. All tickets remain valid but are refundable if you’d like to hold out to see the full Network, but Dan is excited to reunite with everyone for this one-off performance. It's been a long time coming! A couple of tickets remain. For more information, please join us on Patreon or the ‘Networkers’ Facebook page.

Let’s Hear It For The King is Dan Reed Network’s sixth studio album and their first since 2018’s Origins album. The new album comes full circle to the band’s original vision statement – to challenge beliefs, smash down existing protocol, and build something new out of the shrapnel.

“We are chomping at the bit to get out there and bring people what we genuinely believe is the heaviest, funkiest and most melodic DRN album to date,” says Dan Reed. “These songs are the strongest representation of the band’s sound that we’ve ever created. You have been warned!”

Not for the faint-hearted, the long-awaited new DRN album pays tremendous detail to infectious melodies, provocative lyrics and honours their shredding funk-rock roots. This album is for visionaries who want to be part of and bear witness to the next step in the Dan Reed Network’s artistic evolution.

Available to pre-order from the official Dan Reed Network store https://danreednetwork.tmstor.es/ - the new album will be available as a Limited Edition DRN LHIFTK box set, Limited Edition coloured vinyl, and much more. Dan has even created personalised, hand-written lyric sheets for each song from Let’s Hear It For The King that will be randomly placed inside the limited-edition box sets. Happy hunting, everyone!

“The new album snarls and bites,” says an enthusiastic Dan Reed. “We wanted to cut its teeth alongside some young, high-energy bands, so who better than Reckless Love and Collateral. Those boys can rock. Anyone who’s seen DRN live knows that’s where we come to life. We’re ready to deliver a lot of energy and give the audience a direct shot of funk n’ roll!”


*Bonus track on CD (not available on vinyl edition)

1. PRETTY KARMA (4:25)
3. STARLIGHT (3:51)
4. SUPERNOVA (4:52)
6. I SEE ANGELS (3:50)
7. HOMEGROWN (4:32)
8. STUMBLE (4:08)
11. ARE YOU READY? (4:10)
12. UNFUCK MY WORLD (3:58)
13. *LAST DAY ON SATURN (5:35)


Recorded at The Commune Studio. Portland, Oregon. USA
Produced by: Rob Daiker & Dan Reed
Co-producer on ‘Let’s Hear It For The King’ & ‘I See Angels’: Brion James
Mixed by: Rob Daiker
Mastered by: Stephan Hawkes
Art & Design by: Graeme Bell


1. PRETTY KARMA (4:25)
Music and Lyrics by Dan Reed

This track's intention is to shine a light on how political and social tribalism, especially in the US, is in danger of creating a divide between humanity that will be hard to heal if it continues unchecked. The Left and Right share far more commonalities than differences. Unfortunately, there's far too much money to be made on making sure people never see eye to eye and the karma, or energy, that is fostered in this environment will one day come back to haunt everyone. The aggressive musical track Dan wrote mirrors the hatred both sides hold for the other while the chorus is a reminder that it's never too late to celebrate that which binds us together if we take the time to admit it.

Music by Brion James and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Dan Reed.

This song started off as a musical demo Brion James sent to Dan Reed. Dan loved the guitar riff and felt it reflected the internal battle we all have at some point in our lives with darkness, demons, regrets. It’s the voice inside telling us we can't achieve something, or we are not strong enough to overcome something holding us back from expressing our true passion in life. Until we face the 'ghost inside', make peace with it, and admit our darker side is powerful and to be respected, then we’ll always be in danger of letting it define our future.

3. STARLIGHT (3:51)
Music and Lyrics by Dan Reed.

This track was first composed at 4 am after a long drive back from Dan Reed seeing his friends in AC/DC perform in Berlin, hence the homage to their style of Rock. Inspired by seeing people from 7 years old to 70 at the concert Reed was reminded why he loved this band since he was an aspiring musician back in high school in South Dakota playing school dances and beer bars. "It's that constant heartbeat pulse of AC/DC that makes it the most infectious rock music on the planet," Dan says. DRN's version is all about the social media generation's addiction to hunting for likes, followers, fame, and fortune. The question is what will you do with that attention? Will it all be to feed the ego only, or will you channel all the light shone upon you in a direction that feeds a bigger picture of feeding the collective soul?

4. SUPERNOVA (4:52)
Music by Melvin Brannon II and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Dan Reed.

When bassist Melvin Brannon II sent Reed the original Demo of this music bed it seemed like the perfect track that harked back to DRN's roots of the funk-rock club days. What better way to respect that than to include a hood from one of the band's earliest compositions called 'Mind and Body', which use to pack the dance floors in the late '80s. The 2021 update tackles how everyone today is a rock star with the invention of the internet, something that was once reserved for those fortunate enough, or cursed enough, to secure a record deal back in the day. The question remains, if everyone is a rock star then it stands to reason no one is a rock star, which is a positive thing. The sooner the myth of celebrity is dispelled, the better.

Music by Dan Reed and Brion James. Lyrics by Dan Reed.

The beginnings of this song date back to 1999 when Reed was a club owner in Portland, Oregon and composed EDM to perform at 'Club Ohm'. Most of the lyrics were composed then with Dan pointing out the hypocrisy of the rich and famous, the politically connected, the tyrants had different rules than the common man or woman. Does humanity simply sit back and let the powers to be steamroll over them, or should we fight back and stand up against oppression and tyranny. Brion James loved the intention of the track and using the new vocal tracks Reed had created began to reshape the musical bed, taking it down the Dub Step route. Reigniting Dan to then add some rock elements on top of this new imagining, making this track not only the title track for the new album, but also a watermark of where DRN might head more in the future.

6. I SEE ANGELS (3:50)
Music and Lyrics by Brion James.

This is a classic Brion James composition. Like Chill Out from DRN's 'The Heat' Album, or 'Save the World' on their 'Fight Another Day' release, 'I See Angels' celebrates seeing the good in humanity. That even during our most decadent and debased times, there are shining lights on the horizon, helping to guide us. Reed heard Brion's version of this song and immediately fell in love with its positive message, making it the perfect track to help counterbalance the other more angst-ridden, cynical, and pointed tracks on 'Let's Hear it for the King'.

7. HOMEGROWN (4:32)
Music by Brion James and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Brion James and Dan Reed.

Brion James originally sent Reed a Demo of this track as a chilled out funky soul rap song, not intended for DRN, but Dan adored the groove and heard a way to rock the song out and give it a heavy chorus that celebrates the love and friendship one feels with the people and places that feed one's soul as opposed to outside forces that all too often become energy vampires, sucking away our hope, compassion and empathy. That nothing can replace, nor should it, the comfort and reliability of our ' homegrown love'. When we feed off our foundation, where our beginnings sprung from, nothing can stop us from going out in the world and rekindling that energy.

8. STUMBLE (4:08)
Music by Brion James and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Dan Reed.

An original Brion James funky groove that Dan Reed fell in love with and added rock guitar to. Once hearing the playfulness and power of the track, Reed knew immediately this song should tackle how religion, while preaching love and unity, too often fractures humanity in many different directions. The 3 monotheistic faiths from the Torah and New Testament all speak of their 'saviour' one day returning to earth and saving the day, while at the same time arguing over whose saviour will is 'the one'. This song opines about 'what if' all the religions are really talking about the same mountain top and are simply arguing over different paths to reaching that crest, and through using the defamatory metaphor of them all become lovers, sex partners, and friends they will one day realise that we are indeed all one.

Music by Rob Daiker and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Dan Reed and Rob Daiker.

A song that started off with a Rob Daiker track Reed fell in love with. Reed sampled a 4 Bar loop and went on to compose a slightly different song using elements of Daiker's original song and lyrics. This track poses the scenario that 'we are what we eat'. If we focus on negativity then this will be what we will manifest. If on the other hand, we accept that all suffering, challenges, obstacles, are there to make us stronger, teach us something about ourselves, or just give us another perspective, that too will manifest a different path, one that does not have to be weighed down by depression or apathy. The real question is – Do we enjoy wallowing in self-pity and darkness, or is it simply a by-product of the environment we have come to accept as 'normal’? Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it!

Music and Lyrics by Dan Reed.

Another Track that when Reed came up with the groove really reminded him of DRN's early days of writing songs with the band back in the mid-'80s, coming up with grooves that would pack the dance floor. So again, it made sense to borrow the lyric 'There's a fire in the house... we have to scream and shout, until we work it out', from the song 'Fire in the House' off of DRN's first EP called 'Breathless'. It was important to Dan to always keep in mind the band's roots for 'Let's Hear it for the King' and not get side-tracked by trying to be contemporary to what is happening currently. The difference this time is the song takes on the smouldering wreck of the social and political system of the world instead of the disagreement between a couple in a love relationship. But in the end, the macrocosm or the microcosm of crossing the divide is essentially the same and a message DRN has always supported. United we stand... divided we fall.

11. ARE YOU READY? (4:10)
Music by Brion James and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Dan Reed.

This hard-driving song had its beginnings as a Brion James rallying cry asking one simple question... 'Are you ready?'. Reed pondered 'ready for what?'. Are we prepared for what we have done to this world? Are we ready to accept the repercussions of our actions to our neighbour, to our planet, and ourselves? Are we ready to fight for better conditions for all humanity, or accept things as they are? We often reach out to wise sages for insights, direction, but when realising what changes are to be made, we are faced with the question... Do we have the will and desire to feed the flames that burn us down, or do we feed the soul which can lift us up? After decades of witnessing both the beauty and ugliness of humanity's actions that question remains unanswered. But that does not mean we should ever stop inquiring on the subject.

12. UNFUCK MY WORLD (3:58)
Music and Lyrics by Dan Reed.

This heavy driving track mirrors the struggle to free one's journey from complications, chaos, and self-inflicted harm. Don't be afraid to ask others for assistance to help in that endeavour. We are often products of learned behaviour, not all of it positive. Asking for insights, wisdom, and lessons that can help ease our own suffering is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of great courage and strength. We do not have to tackle problems alone. We are stronger together rather than being a lone wolf. So, if the world has got you down, change your environment, shake up the paradigm, break glass ceilings, scream out loud to the heavens. Oftentimes it is traversing the unknown that shows us the answers were buried inside all along.

13. *LAST DAY ON SATURN (5:35)
Music by Rob Daiker and Dan Reed. Lyrics by Rob Daiker and Dan Reed.

*Bonus track on CD. Not available on vinyl edition.

This track was originally a Rob Daiker song that called out to Reed musically and melodically, but Reed heard it more as a song about a traveller to the stars that was missing planet earth, not dissimilar to Bowie's 'Space Oddity'. Dan is a massive fan of all things 'Science Fiction' and the idea of a person running away from earth, and a broken love relationship, to terraform a planet, only to realise they were running away from themselves appealed to Reed. The lyrics from Rob's original song had great moments of already pointing in the direction. Using the Sun's light as both the beacon of hope, but also the thing that burns, fading both the good and bad memories of the past, seemed like an appropriate metaphor. Is our search for 'life', at great expense, worthy when we struggle to take care of life here on earth? Is a microbe on Mars signalling life on a planet that cannot support humans more important than the millions of creatures destroyed in our world every day? In the end, maybe it's best to 'fly away home'.


Dan Reed: Vocal, Guitar, Synths
Brion James: Guitar, Vocal, Synths, Orchestration
Melvin Brannon II: Bass, Vocal
Dan Pred: Drums, Percussion
Rob Daiker: Keyboards, Vocal, Guitar



Dan Reed Network (1988)
Slam (1989)
The Heat (1991)
Fight Another Day (2016)
Origins (2018)
Let’s Hear It For The King (2022)






Decibel Report